Monday, August 11, 2008

happy birthday!

I'm pretty sure it's Nori's bday today, so...

Happy Birthday!!! :) And if it's not her bday, then...
Happy BDay, early! (or late?)

Love you all!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


alright.... i got the position at La Causa! :) I'm psyched! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! The agency name is pronounced la cow-sa (like house with a 'c' at the beginning and an 'a' at the end). The website is if you wanna check it out. I'll be working at the Social Service Location. My job title is WrapAround Care Coordinator. WrapAround is a County program that youth under 18 years old are court ordered into due to behavioral problems, usually. The goal of the program is to keep children in a permanent placement (foster, bioparents or family placement) instead of having to go into residential care. Instead of residential care, kids in this program have services "wrapped around" themselves and their families. I'm the person who coordinates all these services - which is pretty much anything the family and youth need. I'm very excited! I start Tuesday already with training. Yay!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Round 2...


i've got my second interview with an agency called La Causa this thursday @ 2 pm. keep me in your thoughts and prayers. thanks! i'll keep ya'll posted. you'll prolly hear my hollerin' all the way from down here if i get the job.

:) love you all!

(This picture is from Memorial Day last year - siblings par-tay at Wen and Pete's. It's a cute one.)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Still interviewing... but not for long, I hope!!

hey! wanted to keep ya'll in the loop...
i had an interview earlier this week and it went really well. i still have to meet with the director of the agency, but it sounds like they are going to offer it to me if all goes well with that meeting. if not, i have a possible job with the same agency i worked for during my graduate internship. will keep you posted!

we move on thursday to our new place... very busy, but exciting! will post pics asap.

love you all!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

jer is a genius

check this out... jd rigged this up and just sent it to T and i... hilarious. click the link below for some good laughs.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vacation time

Howdy ya'll - I pray all is going great with you. I just wanted to let you know that we're planning on going to California from the August 18-30. We plan on spending a few days in San Onofre, a few days going to Sea World, and then going up the coast for a week or so to take in the beach. Ya'll are welcome to join us!

We went to the circus last week. It wasn't as good as last time; it was actually pretty inappropriate for kids - weird for a circus. We also went online and looked the websites that claim B&B abuses their animals. I don't think we'll be going back.

Love you all!
That guy with the red nose is on eight-foot stilts... I'm not kneeling down! :-).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dany & Sam!

Hey everybody!!!

Sam and I went and saw John Mayer last night and it rocked! :) I thought I'd put up some pictures for ya'll to see. He was at Marcus @ Summerfest. It was my 3rd time seeing him there - but by far the best! It poured rain on us, but we made the most of it and decided we'd dance in it! Missing you all... Hope the summer is going great for everyone! And Happy 4th!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

dany's interviewing!

for those of you who don't know... i had my first interview on friday! it went pretty well - we'll see what happens. it was for a treatment foster worker position. i also got an email yesterday from someone at Milwaukee's Mental Health Association who saw my resume online and would like to set up a time for an interview... however, i don't even know what the position is for! this should be interesting... :) i'll keep you all posted!

Our first blog!

Yay! Here's our new blog!

feel free to log in and post anything you'd like at any time! :)