Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dany & Sam!

Hey everybody!!!

Sam and I went and saw John Mayer last night and it rocked! :) I thought I'd put up some pictures for ya'll to see. He was at Marcus @ Summerfest. It was my 3rd time seeing him there - but by far the best! It poured rain on us, but we made the most of it and decided we'd dance in it! Missing you all... Hope the summer is going great for everyone! And Happy 4th!!!


candi said...

that sounds like so much fun. it rained here last night too (i know, surprising) and i had visions of puddle jumping with the kids running around in my head. except the lightning was a little scary.

agentpipes said...

That concert looked awesome! I'm really impressed with John Meyer. Sweet pictures, too. Love you!